Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fundamentals. Baseball. Sales.

What's a baseball fundamental? It's any baseball act that is so simple that the man in the stands thinks, "I could do that. Why can't those big leaguers?" Ken Singleton, Baltimore Orioles outfielder, 1980.

There are fundamentals in baseball, and truly in any sport. Vince Lombardi said "Some people try to find things in this game that don’t exist but football is only two things – blocking and tackling."

There are fundamentals in life, in love, in relationships and in business. Especially sales.

So what defines a sales fundamental? First, what is it not? It is not a novelty. It is not a gimmick. Not a trick, nothing new or profound, no style or approach that has never been seen before. It is an old standby, a tried and true method of securing solid relationships with the prospect/client/customer. What is the first and most important fundamental that you can not ignore.

1. Honesty. There is the well known cliche "Honesty is the best policy." Nothing could be more accurate and important in todays business market than being upfront, honest and direct with your clients. Tell people all your good points, your bad, your benefits, your detriments, all that could go wrong and right. While some people do tend to dance around what issues, problems or troubles their product or service may have, the customer sees it. They recognize it and they do not like it. The sense that you are more interested in the sale for your own gain, than for theirs. And that is why they do not buy from you.

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