Tuesday, July 3, 2012

How flexible are you?

"Pitchers, like poets, are born not made." Cy Young, Hall of Fame Pitcher.

Cy Young played from 1890 to 1911, totalling a record 511 Wins in an amazing Hall of Fame career. He also holds the record for the most losses in a career with 316.

Longevity and consistency, keys to success in any industry, business or relationship. He examplified the ability to adapt, change and progress as his industry evolved around him. As the most successful pitcher of all time, he straddled the bridge between the old era and the new era of baseball. When he first played, balls were being thrown underhand, fouls were not counted as strikes, the pitchers mound location was different and he did not even wear a glove until his sixth season!

How do you adjust your style, your approach, your techniques? Are you flexible in your delivery, are you able to modify your mannerisms, your voice inflection, your speed of speech? Are you able to recognize the need for such changes, or do you blunder on ahead with the same everything all the time?

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