Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Anticipation...and VISUALIZATION

"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." - Rogers Hornsby

How do you spend your time? Daydreaming? Thinking about what you will do better the next time, picture your next call, your next weeks worth of work?

Visualization. Rehearsing situations mentally. Imagery. Mental preparation. Prepare yourself with mental exercises for all possible challenges to be faced. Your inner eye to see the future, prepare for the upcoming events, rehearse your actions. Your ability to internally role play through hundreds of conversational tangents, and how you will address each.

Athletes do it. Salespeople do it. For presentations. For difficult calls. For day to day routines, for setting yourself up for success. Imagine your perfect response, your most likely avenue for your desired outcome. Over and over again, the images of your activities played in your mind, repeated to hone the skills you wish to have.

Set a routine, daily, to prepare yourself for what you will be doing and visualize your success. The words you will use. the clothes you will wear. Every detail imagine it to be exactly how you want it to be. Prepare yourself for the different reactions, the different questions, the comments you may or may not hear. If you have heard them all once in your mind, you will not be shocked when they come but instead you will be prepared.

Mental. Visualize. Imagine. Rehearse. Prepare. Repeat.

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