"Sparky Anderson has a slight impediment of speech. Every once in a while, he stops to take a breath." Sportswriter Milton Richman
Let this be a reminder. Listen. Stop and listen. Ask a question. Then listen. Ask another question about their answer, and listen. Learning the right questions is a completely other story, but you first must learn to listen. Aggressively. With intent. Fervor. Passion. Curiosity. Imagine this person speaking to you is someone you have longed to have in your company and you are dying to here every word they say. Do not interrupt. Take notes if you have to. But use your ears, not your mouth, listen. Do not talk over. Do not even open your mouth as if you want to. Smile. Listen. Nod your head. Make hmmm noises if you have to. But LISTEN. Be attentive. Concentrate. Pick up on the little clues and signals they may leave you. Their keywords or phrases. Listen with your eyes as well. The way they speak with their arms, or the way they don't. Pick up on their body language. If you listen, you will learn.
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