"Lord, help this poor son-of-a-bitch (Umpire Ed Hurley). I got two good eyes. Give him one of mine." - Red Murray, died today, 12/4/1958.
What we see, what other people see. Not always the same is it?
How many times at a baseball game do you hear the crowd moaning and groaning over a strike or ball called, while they are sitting roughly 200 feet away compared to the man who made the call? Perspective, distance, vantage point. It affects our ability to see clearly, to judge a position.
Sometimes though, when too close, we see what we want to see, what we assume we should see. Like the umpire who emphatically calls the runner out, despite the fact that the tag was never applied, or the foot slid in under. The ball beat the runner though, so he should be out, no matter what the truth or the instant replay shows, that is the way the umpire sees it.
In our lives, do you see the similarities? In your actions? In others? In decisions you may make daily?