Friday, October 26, 2012

To assume or not to assume

"Just when you think you know baseball, you don't." Yogi Berra

Some people never learn. Some people don't want to learn. Some people don't care to learn. Some people think they know everything. And some people just wing it.

There are different viewpoints on the advanced preparation you should do with a client. Most will tell you to get as much information as you can, knowledge is power, be prepared, know all you are able to know about them, their business, their industry, their problems, their you appear as a resource and a subject matter expert. All to gain trust.

Is this the right way to approach a client?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Certainly Uncertainty

"There's a two-hopper to Eddie Leon, who catches it on the first bounce." Herb Score, broadcaster.

We all have those moments of uncertainty, where what we say does not quite match up, where we even contradict ourselves within our own words. Clarify, laugh, move on, you are only human. We make mistakes, we sometimes pay for them, but most times it is just not that important. Forget about it, brush it off, no one is paying that close attention. Feel fortunate if someone does realize your mistake, at least someone is listening.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


"I wish I had started my slide earlier," Matt Holliday said.

If you saw it, you probably have an opinion. NLCS game 2 between the Giants and the Cardinals, Matt Holiday slid into second base, taking out second baseman Marco Scutaro in the process.

It was an aggressive slide to break up the double play. People are talking about retribution. Calling it a dirty play. Questions of judgement. What is the rule by the book? What is standard practice? All fair questions, a debate that can go on. One belief I do have is the regret is sincere, and Holliday is not a dirty player who was intentionally trying to hurt Scutaro.

But what about you in your life, your business practices, your calls, conversations, interactions? How often do you regret saying or doing? How often are you overly aggressive to where you regret your actions? If you say never....are you playing it safe? Maybe need to push the envelope just a bit? Obviousy it is a fine line to draw, but maybe, just maybe, expand that comfort zone a little. You may have a few more regrets, maybe not, but being aggressive can be just the ticket to take you to the next level. Non aggressive just does not get you very far.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Keep your eye clear and hit 'em where they ain't." Wee Willie Keeler, Baltimore Orioles outfielder, 1898.

This statement comes from 114 years ago. Still as accurate as it ever was, baseball is a timeless sport that blends the centuries together. Watching the hard slide of Matt Holiday into Marco Scutaro in last night's NL Championship series, reminds you of just how little the game has changed. The rules, the players, the uniforms, the teams...allso very much the same as they were in the late 1800's. See ball, hit ball. Of course, 100 years ago there were no TV interviews where analysts and managers and "experts" debated endlessly on the legality and morality of Hollidays takeout slide. Instead, it probably would have been handled under the bleachers after the game, or the first pitch to Holliday in the next game. Somewhere around his ear I would imagine that ball would be directed.

As your day unfolds before you, as the twists and turns of the week or the month distract you, remember Wee Willie Keeler. See the ball, hit the ball. Hit 'em where they ain't.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Count Your Blessings

"The first thing I do in the morning is breathe on a mirror and hope it fogs up." Early Wynn, HOF Pitcher 1982.

Appreciate every day.

"If you don't live to get old, you die young."James "Cool Papa" Bell, 84 year HOF 1985.

We only have so much time here, don;t waste it on anger and hate, jealousy or spite, revenge or retribution. Justice is in living your life with joy.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Keep your eye on the ball

"It ain't over till it's over." Yogi Berra

Who has thought they lost an opportunity, only to discover it was not as lost as previously thought? Who has won a deal, only to have it pulled back before it is done?

Our day to day lives rotate around opportunities at our finger tips, in our hands, sliding through our fingers like so much sand.....The difficulty in much of this can be in our age of information, doing business via text, email, phone calls and on the phone, 1000's of miles away. Communication to maintain a level of understanding necessary is essential. You must know what is important, what processes are in place, what people are involved, what is happening and what needs to happen to drive to completion. The biggest challenge we have is a customer or prospect who has some conception or miconception about us, our deliverables or capabilities.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Simply Unpredictable

"My favorite word in English is "youneverknow." Joaquin Andujar, Houston Astros Pitcher

Surprises come in many packages. The coworker who unexpectedly quits. The person fired or let go for mysterious reasons. The deal you lose when everything was in place. The deal you get when you thought the competition had it. Sometimes these suprises come despite everything we do, all we can do, all the homework, the questions, the digging, the understanding. But most often, if you do your homework, if you truy understand your situation, if you dig, uncover, talk, find out all the angles and the players, even the biggest surprises are not all that surprising.

Monday, October 8, 2012


"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore." Yogi Berra

How do you define value? Do you dictate your vale proposition, or customize it to your customers? Do you preach and push your features, or listen and help, adjust your presentations to what they are telling you is important to them. Do you discount their opinions on what is important, to tell them what they should be thinking? What is your marketing doing? How do you speak to your customers, with an open mind, a thoughtful ear? Or is it the same spiel to everyone, as if all your customers are identical? Listen, learn, think, respond.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Laugh - Don't Cry

"A sense of humor is a saving grace. It saves people from the sin of pride because humor involves a sense of proportion and the power of seeing yourself from outside." George F. Will, columnist

The agony of difficulties, the unbearable dreadful emotions stirred up within you because of what you cannot control, the sleepless nights spent worrying. The ability to wake up in the morning and laugh at yesterday is impossible for some. To laugh at yourself, your predicament, your smile at the world and know that despite everything it has thrown at you you are still alive and kicking. The resiliency to muster on and go forth, continue to put one foot in front of the other, knowing it is all part of the same comedy. Cynicism or satire, slapstick or gallows - the laughter within can fuel your heart and your attitude. Your relative happiness can be tempered with the absurdity of our day to day existence, and remind you of what is truly important.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Back to the Basics

"We've been working on the basics because, basically, we've been having trouble with the basics." Bob Ojeda, LA Dodgers pitcher, during the season. The Dodgers finished in last place at 63-99.

Ever feel like you get knocked back to square one, at the beginning, starting all over, looking up at the mountain? Remember all you have been taught, all the basic fundamental skills of your job and start there. The confidence will reappear after you begin processing the way you know you can.

Good luck.